Tadora 20 Mg (Tadalafil)
Also known as: Generic Cialis 20 mg
Active ingredient: Tadalafil
Packaging Type: 4 tabs/blister
Manufacturer : German Remedies
Product Code: PR10023
Erectile dysfunction and what Tadora does for men suffering from it
It would be quite silly to say that erectile dysfunction is anything new. Just like any other condition, it
has been with us forever and only the way in which people see it has changed over the years, for the
better, we believe. For instance, up until quite recently, erectile dysfunction was regarded as one of the
worst things that could happen to a man. Before science gave us insight into it, men who suffered from
it were considered weak and less manly than those who never had problems with it. As a reason of this
opinion, men never found out that it is a condition that affects a much bigger portion of the male
population and that it is in fact quite a common condition. Fortunately, this has changed and most
people now see it as a medical condition and nothing more than that. Science has finally provided us
with enough insight to realize that it is no different from, for example, diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction occurs in a certain percentage of men and this percentage becomes greater when
you include older and older men. Still, it may happen when you are 20 or 30 as well. There are different
causes and factors that determine whether you are going to suffer from it, but one of the physical
processes that usually takes place is the deterioration of a chemical cGMP which is necessary for
achieving healthy erections. It dilates the blood vessels in the penis tissue and thus enhances the blood
flow into the penis. This deterioration is caused by an enzyme PDE5 which effectively prevents the
erections from happening.
Cialis is a PDE5 inhibitor, which means that it interferes with the way in which PDE5 acts on cGMP. The
result of this is restored blood flow into the male organ, which as the ultimate result has a healthy
With Tadora, erectile dysfunction effectively becomes a thing of the past as it can be taken regularly as if
it were an ordinary pill. One Tadora pill will last for more than 24 hours, after which you will be able to
take another and so on, preventing erectile dysfunction from occurring at all. However, it does not cure
the condition and if you stop using it, you will experience difficulties achieving erections once again.
The active ingredient in Tadora is Tadalafil which you probably know under the name Cialis. Well, it is
that same drug, only with another name due to the fact that Cialis is a brand name that is still owned by
the company that developed it. Tadora is just as effective as Cialis is and it can truly do wonders for
those men who are in dire need of help. It can rejuvenate their sex lives and make their partners happy
once again.
When you factor in the price that is much lower than that of Cialis, that suddenly makes Tadora the
preferred ED drug for those men who know stuff about their PDE5 inhibitors.